Culmination Requirements
Students in middle school (grades 6-8) are counseled annually regarding culmination requirements and 8th graders are provided extra counsel to assure that they meet all requirements.
See the letter below to understand culmination requirements. For your convenience, LAUSD high school requirements are outlined as well so you and your child can be prepared to stay on-track for success.
**excerpted from LAUSD Parent-Student Handbook
On June 14, 2005, the LAUSD Board of Education approved the A-G Resolution to create educational equity through the implementation of the A-G course sequence as part of the high school graduation requirement. The A-G Resolution establishes a graduation requirement for all students to complete an A-G, fifteen course college preparatory sequence beginning July 1, 2008 (LAUSD Bulletin 2513.1).
All ninth grade students who entered an LAUSD high school in fall 2008 (graduating class of 2012 and thereafter) must be enrolled in a complete sequence of A-G courses. Beginning with the spring semester of tenth grade, students and their parents are permitted to request a course substitution waiver of the A-G course requirements for high school graduation (Attachment A). Waivers will be available to students who are opting out of the 3rd year of math or world languages sequence only. Only A-G courses may be substituted for the opted out course(s). The school will inform the students and parents/guardians of all the implications relating to college admission and other post secondary opportunities. Each student will establish a high school course plan and a career pathway with their parent/guardian and the school counselor. This process will apply to the graduating classes of 2012 through 2015.
The Middle School/High School Supplemental Counseling Program (AB1802) requires annual student, parent, and counselor conferences for all students in grades 7-12.
When the child enrolls in middle school the parents/guardians and student will work with the counselor to develop an Individual Graduation Plan (IGP) and when the student matriculates to high school they will update the IGP annually.
SB 405 expands the requirements to include a review of the career goals of the pupil, academic and career-related opportunities available to the pupil and for explanation of the coursework and academic progress required for eligibility for admission to a four year college. Students not on track to satisfy the A-G requirements must be identified and monitored.
This is in addition to AB 347 which requires additional notification, counseling, monitoring of service, and documentation of students, classes of 2006, 2007, and beyond, who complete all graduation requirements but have not passed both parts of the CAHSEE.
Non-course requirements to earn a high school diploma include: earning the required high school credits, passing both sections of the California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE), successful completion of the Service Learning requirement, and the completion of the Computer Literacy requirement. Parents are encouraged to speak with their child‘s school counselor regarding all of these requirements on an annual basis.